Saturday, May 23, 2015

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Mindmap (WIP)

I'm working on a mindmap to help a customer understand what is inside MS Dynamics CRM 2013. It is coming from multiple sources and the aim is that it becomes a usable reference for describing the possibilities of the product.

It might help you. Please feel free to share and adapt but I'd ask that the originator and disclaimer attributes remain intact. If you want to feed anything back to me or share your edits, that would be nice.

Here's jpg preview. I'll try to remember to update it as I change the map.

The .mm file is here. Mindmap file.

You will need freemind. It's available for windows and linux and there's a viewer for Android. Apple muffins, you are on your own.

It is very much a work in progress. The sales and marketing nodes a pretty well complete but there is loads more to come. Bookmark it and come back. I'll be updating it as I get time.

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