Python: module ds_utils
A library of miscellaneous utils that I find I use often.
Version 1.0 Telegram or signal:omotforest
Released under GPL
Use at your own risk. Subject to update or change at any time.
Classes |
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- Searches
- config
class ANSI |
text - text to print
forecolour - [black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white]
backcolour - [black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white]
style - [normal|bold|italic|underline|inverse|strikethough]
Returns a string with ansi precursors to set foreground and background
colours and style. Set to normal after printing.
Most terminals support 8 colours. Some will not understand bold.
Out of range parameters throw a dictionary error
Colours supported:
Styles supported:
Example: set foreground to red
print GetANSI('this is red text','red','none','none')
Example: set foreground bold red, background cyan
print GetANSI('set properties','red','cyan','bold') |
Methods defined here:
- GetANSI(self, text, forecolour='', backcolour='', style='')
- Constructs an ansi string to create multicoloured terminal display
text - the string to be output
forecolour - the colour to set the foreground. Optional. Default=normal
backcolour - the colour to set the background. Optional. Default=normal
style - one of the styles in dictStyle
A string decorated with ansi codes
- __init__(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- dictColour = {'black': 0, 'blue': 4, 'cyan': 6, 'green': 2, 'magenta': 5, 'red': 1, 'white': 7, 'yellow': 3}
- dictForeBack = {'back': 4, 'fore': 3}
- dictStyle = {'bold': 1, 'inverse': 7, 'italic': 3, 'normal': 0, 'strikethrough': 9, 'underline': 4}
- post = 'm'
- pre = '\x1b['
- tonormal = '\x1b[0m'
class Searches |
A class to contain search functions.
__init__(head, tail,source,start=0,ignorcase=false,inclusivefind=false)
head - string to search from
tail - string to search to
start - integer position to start search. Optional. Default=0
ignorecase - set to true to make case insensitive. Optional. Default=false
inclusivefind - return the string from the start of head the end of tail. Optional.
overlapsearch - if True sets newstart to start+1
default is to return the string from the end of head to the beginning of tail
NB init calls get head to tail once so results of the first search are available after initialisation
Reading results
newstart - set to the end of the head
result - set tp the string found or "" empty if not found
resultstatus - text description of result of search
resultsuccess - set to True if head and tail were found.
EOF - set to true if the search extends past end of file
listAll[] - set only if getAll has been called |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, head, tail, source, start=0, ignorecase=False, inclusivefind=False, overlapsearch=False)
- getAll(self, head, tail)
- getHeadtoTail(self, head, tail, start=False)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- EOF = False
- head = ''
- ignorecase = False
- inclusivefind = False
- listAll = []
- newstart = 0
- overlapsearch = False
- result = ''
- resultstatus = ''
- resultsuccess = False
- source = ''
- start = 0
- tail = ''
class config |
Config File Helper Class
Config files are in the format:
#start comments
ParameterName1 value1
ParameterName2 value2
Assumes values are one word when reading. Anything after a second space is ignored.
Constructor takes 1 arguments
filename - the name of the file only the path will be derived depejding on the operating system
Linux - will be a hidden file the user's home directory
Windows will be a file in the same directory as the application
Other will cause an exception |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, filename)
- getConfigPath(self)
- Accessor function for file path property
Call with object reference as parameter
- readParameter(self, parametername)
- Read the parameter from the file
Returns False if not found
- writeFile(self, dictParams, comments='', endcomments='')
- dictParams - a dictionary of parameters e.g {name1 : value1, name2 : value2}
comments - a file header. Optional, default is empty string
endcomments - a footnote. Optional, default is an empty string.
For neatness when doing a cat /n will be appended
Data and other attributes defined here:
- config_file_name = ''
- config_file_path = ''
- platform_supported = False
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Functions |
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- InputUntil(prompt, acceptable, case_sensitive=True, tries=0)
- Usage InputUntil(prompt,acceptable_input,[case sensitive=True],[tries=0])
prompt - Prompt to be displayed (the acceptable terms will be listed)
acceptable_input - String containing acceptable responses
[case_sensitive] if false ignores case.; Default is True
[tries] - Attempts before raisin an error.
Keeps gettin input until one of the terms in acceptable is found. Works best for single characters
See InputUntilList(prompt, acceptable, tries) for a word version
You should still check the returned input because in YNC, YN will match.
- InputUntilList(prompt, acceptable, case_sensitive=True, tries=0)
- Input until one of the items on the list is typed or the number of tries is reached.
Returns the actual answer typed (irrespective of the case sensitive flag.
Raises an error if tries exceeded catch it in your code to handle it.
For single letter (eg YN), the InputUntil in this module might be what you are looking for
Usage InputUntil(prompt,acceptable_input, [case_sensitive=True], [tries=0])
prompt - Prompt to be displayed (the acceptable terms will be listed)
acceptable_input - list containing acceptable responses
case_sensitve - David DAVID, daVid all match david if this is false
tries - Number of attempts until an error is raised. Set to <1 for infnite
- getParameterValue(parametername, args, unitary=False)
- Gets the command line parameter wih the name in parametername.
Assumes the parameters are in -name value pairs.
Longname parameters in the form --long_name value are supported but you must supply the --
Parameters with no value are not supported. (Coming soon: Optional argument to specify standalone which returns True/False)
Usage: getParameterValue(parametername,args)
parametername - the name of the parameter if no - then one is prepended
args - usually sys.argv. If you want to use another string you need a placeholder where the program name would be
e.g ["params", "-p", "param1","-p2"] param2 works as expected
unitary - will not look for, a value just the presence or absence of a parameter
- makeDirectory(dirPath)
- Usage makeDirectory(directory_path)
Makes the directory in dirPath if it does not exist
Throws exception if it fails.
Data |
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version = '1.0' |